Add File to Framework Folders using RIDC

Lately I've been experimenting with RIDC (Remote Intradoc Client), a light-weight communication protocol for Oracle WebCenter Content.

One requirement I was trying to solve was adding a file to a Framwork Folder. "Framework Folders" is a new folder hierachy component introduced in PatchSet 5 ( and replaces the older "Folders_g" component. Framework Folders fixed the scalability issues which occurred using Folders_g.

Before I discuss my approach, let me make it clear I am unfamiliar with the old Folders_g approach and I have limited experience using WebCenter Content. Nevertheless the material I found on this subject on the web is sufficiently limited to warrent this blogpost.

I'll split this blogpost in two parts:

  1. Uploading a File in WebCenter Content PS5
  2. Adding a file to a Framework Folder in WebCenter Content using RIDC

1. Uploading a File in WebCenter Content PS5 #


You have got a WebCenter Content (WCC) server running (PS5 minimum) and have decided on using RIDC to integrate your (independent) software component with WCC.


You want to upload a file in WebCenter Content.


Create a RIDC connection and use the CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL service to upload the file to the content server.

Detailed Solution

In your IDE (I am using Eclipse) create a new standard Java project. First we need to establish a connection with our content server. There are several methods available to do this but currently the most popular one is using Remote Intradoc Client (RIDC). RIDC supports several connection types (idc, idcs, http, https, and jax-ws) and depending on the connection type you need to import one or more dependencies. Because I want to keep things simple and I am connecting to a server running on localhost I will be using the idc protocol. For this protocol you only need the oracle.ucm.ridc-11.1.1.jar which you can find in the UCM distribution folder of your WCC install. In my case this was: D:\Oracle\WebCenter\Oracle_ECM1\ucm\Distribution\RIDC

Time to create the connection:

import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClient;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientException;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientManager;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcContext;

public class TestUpload {

private IdcClient client;
private IdcContext connectionContext;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IdcClientException {
TestUpload upload = new TestUpload();
upload.createConnection("idc://localhost:4444", "sysadmin", "Welcome1");

public void createConnection(final String connectURL, String username,
String password) throws IdcClientException {
System.out.println("Connecting to content server at " + connectURL
+ " using username " + username + " and password");
try {
IdcClientManager idcClientManager = new IdcClientManager();
this.client = idcClientManager.createClient(connectURL);
} catch (IdcClientException e) {
System.out.println("Error occurred while establishing client");
throw e;
this.connectionContext = new IdcContext(username, password);
System.out.println("Succesfully connected RIDC client to " + connectURL);

What suprised me a was the username and password are stored separately from the client and are added to each individual service request later on (you'll see this in the next code example). This allows some flexibility if you want to swap user credentials over the same connection... a flexibility I won't be using here. If you don't need this flexibility in your application you might want to create a connection wrapper for the IdcClient and IdcContext (and possibily the IdcClientManager as well) to create more readable code.

In the example I'm using the "sysadmin" account which is allowed to do pretty much anything in WCC. In production code you're advised to connect using the most limited account sufficient to fulfill the user requirement (principle of least privilege).

Checking in a file in WCC PS5 is no different than prior versions of WCC as far as I know. I'll be using the CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL service which is the most versatile checkin service WCC provides. Depending on whether the file already exists and whether it is in a workflow or not it executes a more specific checkin service.

Whenever using WCC services, read their specification carefully. If you get any parameter names wrong you're likely to receive vague error messages. and work throuh several hours of unnecessary debugging.

This next piece of code demonstrates CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL:

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClient;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientException;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientManager;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcContext;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.DataBinder;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.TransferFile;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceResponse;
import ridcoo.ridc.util.RIDCUtils;

public class TestUpload {

private IdcClient client;
private IdcContext connectionContext;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IdcClientException, IOException {
TestUpload upload = new TestUpload();
upload.createConnection("idc://localhost:4444", "sysadmin", "Welcome1");
upload.uploadFile("Test RIDC", "Public", "D:\\Temp\\testfile.png");

public void createConnection(final String connectURL, String username,
String password) throws IdcClientException {
System.out.println("Connecting to content server at " + connectURL
+ " using username " + username + " and password");

try {
IdcClientManager idcClientManager = new IdcClientManager();

this.client = idcClientManager.createClient(connectURL);
} catch (IdcClientException e) {
System.out.println("Error occurred while establishing client");
throw e;

this.connectionContext = new IdcContext(username, password);

System.out.println("Succesfully connected RIDC client to " + connectURL);

public ServiceResponse uploadFile(String docTitle, String securityGroup,
String filePath) throws IdcClientException, IOException {
File file = new File(filePath);
if (!file.exists()) {
System.out.println("File " + filePath + " does not exist");
return null;
DataBinder requestData = client.createBinder();

// 1) Empty data

requestData.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
requestData.putLocal("dDocType", "Document");
requestData.putLocal("dDocTitle", docTitle);
requestData.putLocal("dDocAuthor", connectionContext.getUser());
requestData.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", securityGroup);
requestData.addFile("primaryFile", new TransferFile(file));

// 2) Service request data

ServiceResponse response = client.sendRequest(connectionContext, requestData);
DataBinder responseData = response.getResponseAsBinder();

// 3) Service request response data

return response;

The new method uploadFile takes three parameters: a docType, securityGroup and filePath. The filePath is converted to an oracle.stellent.ridc.model.TransferFile which RIDC uses to transport the file over the IDC protocol.

By default there are two security groups you can play with: Public and Secure. You can create your own security groups to separate content better (for example by department). Finally the docType describes the content type. You can retrieve the available content types using GET_DOCTYPES, the most likely candidate however is "Document".

If you would have read the previous code example carefully you would have noticed the DataBinder class. This DataBinder is the data container used throughout WCC and contains four components:

I have been unable to find exact definitions of these DataBinder-components in the Oracle documentation. I like to think of LocalData as the header data and ResultSets & Files as the message body (or bodies), much like the HTTP protocol.

To get a better understanding of the DataBinder during development and debugging I've printed the DataBinder three times in the previous code (if you hadn't noticed; despite the admirable laziness of your geek-reading skillz, I do ask you to pay better attention in the future).

Just after creating a new DataBinder it contains the following:

DataBinder {
Files {
LocalData {
UserDateFormat = iso8601
UserTimeZone = UTC
Options {
ResultSets {

By default the user's date format (iso8601) and timezone are set.

After setting the request parameters the DataBinder changes to something like this:

DataBinder {
Files {
File name = primaryFile
Content length = {testfile.png [application/octet-stream,71754]} }
LocalData {
UserDateFormat = iso8601
UserTimeZone = UTC
dDocAuthor = sysadmin
dDocTitle = Test Folder upload
dDocType = Document
dSecurityGroup = Public
Options {
ResultSets {

Not much suprising here; the primaryFile is added to the Files section of the DataBinder and the other request parameters are set as LocalData. More interesting is the DataBinder response after executing the service request:

DataBinder {
Files {
LocalData {
ClientEncoding = UTF-8
DocExists =
LockedContents1 = dDocName:CS000876
NoHttpHeaders = 0
RenditionId = webViewableFile
StatusCode = 0
StatusMessage = Inhouditem 'CS000876' is ingecheckt.
StorageRule = DispByContentId
UserDateFormat = iso8601
UserTimeZone = UTC
VaultfilePath = d:/tools/Oracle/WEBCEN~1/USER_P~1/domains/WEBCEN~1/ucm/cs/vault/document/mgnz/mdaw/875.png
WebfilePath = d:/tools/Oracle/WEBCEN~1/USER_P~1/domains/WEBCEN~1/ucm/cs/weblayout/groups/public/documents/document/mgnz/mdaw/~edisp/cs000876~1.png
auditAction = wwCreate
auditActionClass = wwCreate
auditObjectType = wwRmaRecord
auditResultSet = DOC_INFO
blDateFormat = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ!tUTC!mAM,PM
blFieldTypes = xCategoryFolder text,dSubscriptionNotifyDate date,xHasFixedClone int,xWebFlag text,xIPMSYS_STATUS text,xReportDataSourceType text,xIsFixedClone int,xStorageRule text,xIPMSYS_REDACTION int,xForceFolderSecurity text,xFreezeID memo,xReadOnly text,xIsEditable text,xWCTags text,xInhibitUpdate text,xWCWorkflowAssignment text,xHideIncludeChildFolders int,dCreateDate date,xCategoryID bigtext,xHidden text,dSubscriptionCreateDate date,xReportScheduledInfo text,xCpdIsLocked int,StatusMessage message,xCollectionID int,dSubscriptionUsedDate date,xLifeCycleID bigtext,xIPMSYS_APP_ID text,xWCWorkflowApproverUserList memo,xComments memo,xIsRecord text,xReportContentType text,dActionDate date,xWCPageId bigtext,xCpdIsTemplateEnabled int,xRecordFilingDate date,xReportType text,xIPMSYS_BATCH_ID1 int,xIPMSYS_PARENT_ID int,dOutDate date,xExternalDataSet bigtext,xIsFrozen text,xIsDeletable text,xReportFormat text,xPartitionId text,dInDate date,xIPMSYS_BATCH_SEQ text,dMessage message,xReportTemplate text,xReportDataSourceParams text,xIPMSYS_SCKEY text,xFreezeReason memo,dReleaseDate date,xFolderID bigtext,xReportDataSource text,xIsRevisionable text,xIdcProfile text
changedMonikers =
changedSubjects = documents,1349171311089
dAction = Checkin
dActionDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:00Z
dActionMillis = 52514543
dClbraName =
dConversion = PassThru
dCreateDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:14Z
dDocAccount =
dDocAuthor = sysadmin
dDocCreatedDate = {ts '2012-10-08 17:36:14.522'}
dDocCreator = sysadmin
dDocID = 932
dDocLastModifiedDate = {ts '2012-10-08 17:36:14.522'}
dDocLastModifier = sysadmin
dDocName = CS000876
dDocOwner = sysadmin
dDocTitle = Test Folder upload
dDocType = Document
dDocType:rule = IpmSystemFields_Restricted
dExtension = png
dFileSize = 71754
dFormat = image/png
dID = 875
dInDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:14Z
dIsPrimary = 1
dIsWebFormat = 0
dLastModifiedDate = {ts '2012-10-08 17:36:14.545'}
dLocation =
dOriginalName = testfile.png
dOutDate =
dProcessingState = Y
dPublishState =
dPublishType =
dRawDocID = 931
dReleaseState = N
dRevClassID = 876
dRevLabel = 1
dRevRank = 0
dRevisionID = 1
dRmaProcessState = O
dSecurityGroup = Public
dSecurityGroup:rule = IpmSystemFields_Restricted
dStatus = DONE
dUser = sysadmin
dVitalState = O
dWebExtension = png
dWebOriginalName = CS000876~1.png
dWorkflowState =
dpAction = CheckinNew
dpEvent = OnImport
dpTriggerField = xIdcProfile
idcToken =
isCheckin = 1
isDocProfileDone = 1
isDocProfileUsed = true
isEditMode = 1
isInfoOnly =
isNew = 1
isStatusChanged = 1
localizedForResponse = 1
mustAllowDeletes =
mustAllowEdits =
mustAllowRevisions =
noDocLock = 1
prevReleaseState =
primaryFile = testfile.png
primaryFile:path = d:/tools/Oracle/WEBCEN~1/USER_P~1/domains/WEBCEN~1/ucm/cs/vault/~temp/2015661264.png
refreshMonikers =
refreshSubMonikers =
refreshSubjects =
reserveLocation = false
scriptableActionErr =
scriptableActionFlags = 12
scriptableActionFunction = determineCheckin
scriptableActionParams =
scriptableActionType = 3
xCategoryFolder =
xCategoryFolder:isSetDefault = 1
xCategoryID =
xCategoryID:isSetDefault = 1
xClbraAliasList =
xClbraUserList =
xCollectionID = 0
xCollectionID:isSetDefault = 1
xComments =
xComments:isSetDefault = 1
xCpdIsLocked = 0
xCpdIsLocked:isSetDefault = 1
xCpdIsTemplateEnabled = 0
xCpdIsTemplateEnabled:isSetDefault = 1
xExternalDataSet =
xExternalDataSet:isSetDefault = 1
xFolderID =
xFolderID:isSetDefault = 1
xForceFolderSecurity = FALSE
xForceFolderSecurity:isSetDefault = 1
xFreezeID = 0
xFreezeID:isSetDefault = 1
xFreezeReason =
xFreezeReason:isSetDefault = 1
xHasFixedClone = 0
xHasFixedClone:isSetDefault = 1
xHidden = FALSE
xHidden:isSetDefault = 1
xHideIncludeChildFolders = 0
xHideIncludeChildFolders:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_APP_ID:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_APP_ID:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIPMSYS_BATCH_ID1:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_BATCH_ID1:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIPMSYS_BATCH_SEQ:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_BATCH_SEQ:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIPMSYS_PARENT_ID:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_PARENT_ID:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIPMSYS_REDACTION:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_REDACTION:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIPMSYS_SCKEY:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_SCKEY:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIPMSYS_STATUS:isSetDefault = 1
xIPMSYS_STATUS:rule = IpmSystemFields_Hide
xIdcProfile =
xIdcProfile:isSetDefault = 1
xInhibitUpdate = FALSE
xInhibitUpdate:isSetDefault = 1
xIsDeletable = 1
xIsDeletable:isSetDefault = 1
xIsEditable = 1
xIsEditable:isSetDefault = 1
xIsFixedClone = 0
xIsFixedClone:isSetDefault = 1
xIsFrozen = 0
xIsFrozen:isSetDefault = 1
xIsRecord = 0
xIsRecord:isSetDefault = 1
xIsRevisionable = 1
xIsRevisionable:isSetDefault = 1
xLifeCycleID =
xLifeCycleID:isSetDefault = 1
xPartitionId =
xPartitionId:isSetDefault = 1
xReadOnly = FALSE
xReadOnly:isSetDefault = 1
xRecordFilingDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:14Z
xRecordFilingDate:isSetDefault = 1
xReportContentType =
xReportContentType:isSetDefault = 1
xReportDataSource =
xReportDataSource:isSetDefault = 1
xReportDataSourceParams =
xReportDataSourceParams:isSetDefault = 1
xReportDataSourceType =
xReportDataSourceType:isSetDefault = 1
xReportFormat =
xReportFormat:isSetDefault = 1
xReportScheduledInfo =
xReportScheduledInfo:isSetDefault = 1
xReportTemplate =
xReportTemplate:isSetDefault = 1
xReportType =
xReportType:isSetDefault = 1
xStorageRule = DispByContentId
xStorageRule:isSetDefault = 1
xWCPageId =
xWCPageId:isSetDefault = 1
xWCTags =
xWCTags:isSetDefault = 1
xWCWorkflowApproverUserList =
xWCWorkflowApproverUserList:isSetDefault = 1
xWCWorkflowAssignment =
xWCWorkflowAssignment:isSetDefault = 1
xWebFlag =
xWebFlag:isSetDefault = 1
Options {
ResultSets {

This long dataset provides a wealth of information but also makes it challenging to find what you need. One important parameter in this case is the dDocName (value = CS000864), also known as the content ID. This is the generated content ID of our uploaded file. Many other WCC services require this content ID as a service request parameter and if your third-party application has its own hydrated domain model you'll likely want to store this value somewhere.

Other parameters you are likely going to need are StatusCode and StatusMessage which contain the service request execution result. So far I've found a StatusCode of 0 and null (not set) indicate success, and anything else requires explicit processing like error handling or warning messages.

If you're interested in the code how to print the DataBinder (using ridcoo.ridc.utils.RIDCUtils) go to the bottom of this blog.

This section showed a minimalist approach to adding a file in WebCenter Content. Let us now look at how to add our newly created file to a Framework Folder.

2. Adding a file to a Framework Folder in WebCenter Content using RIDC #


You have a WebCenter Content (WCC) server running (PS5 minimum), enabled the Framework Folders component and have decided on using RIDC to add a file to a folder in WebCenter Content.


There is no service request parameter in the CHECKIN service to specify in which folder to put the uploaded document.


The short answer is you cannot put a file in a content server folder; you can only create a link to the file in a Framework Folder. Think of it as creating a shortcut or symbolic link instead of copying the file to the actual folder.

While I'm unfamiliar with the old Folders_g (or Contribution Folders) component, I believe this is a radical change from the old model which makes Framework Folders more scalable than Folders_g.

To create a link to the file in a Framework Folder you can use the FLD_CREATE_FILE service after you've uploaded the document in WCC.

Be aware, the documentation of FLD_CREATE_FILE is yet, well... cough... slightly, uhm... limited. So you might want to keep reading.

Detailed solution

Due to ambiguity in the WCC Service API I lost quite some time solving naming bugs. The following definition list is a heads up:

If you're a bit confused by this list, don't worry, I still am. Just be careful, that's all.

The documentation on (Framework) Folder Services is quite brief. The documentation on 8-10-2012 for FLD_CREATE_FILE reads as follows:


Service that creates a link to a document in Folders.
Service Class: intradoc.folders.FoldersService

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/frameworkfolders_service.htm

Required Service Parameters

fParentGUID: The GUID of the parent folder in which the new link will be created.

Optional Service Parameters

$fileMeta: Metadata to be assigned to the link.

(I have been unable to find a definition of $fileMeta)

With this description you won't get far. The service appears to take only one service parameter: fParentGUID. There is no service parameter describing which file you want to link to. Not getting any further I found a post on OTN of someone who experienced the exact same problem. The answer didn't get me far but the author describes two other service parameters: dDocName and fFileType. dDocName is the content item ID, and fFileType is more like a 'fRelationshipType' or 'fLinkType' describing the type of link/relationship between the folder and file. The only two possible values for fFileType are "owner" and "soft". An "owner" link you can think of as the actual location of the file, "soft"-links are mere shortcuts to this file. You can have only one "owner" link and any number of "soft" links.

I simply tried calling FLD_CREATE_FILE with these three parameters and it worked. As it turns out all three parameters are required and you get vague error messages when you leave them out.

Knowing this we can now create a file link in a Framework Folder:

package ridcoo;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClient;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientException;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientManager;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcContext;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.DataBinder;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.DataResultSet;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.TransferFile;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceResponse;
import ridcoo.ridc.util.RIDCUtils;

public class TestUpload {

private IdcClient client;
private IdcContext connectionContext;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IdcClientException, IOException {
TestUpload upload = new TestUpload();

// Create IDC connection
upload.createConnection("idc://localhost:4444", "sysadmin", "Welcome1");

// Upload file
DataBinder response = upload.uploadFile("Test Folder upload", "Public",

// Store the content ID
String contentID = response.getLocal("dDocName").toString();

// Retrieve the folder GUID by the folder path (browse in WCC to
// identify the path you want)
String folderGUID = upload.getFolderGUID("/Test");

// Link file to folder
ServiceResponse fileResponse = upload
.createFileLinkInFolder(folderGUID, contentID, "owner");

// Let's see what the service response contains
DataBinder binder = fileResponse.getResponseAsBinder();


public void createConnection(final String connectURL, String username, String password)
throws IdcClientException {
System.out.println("Connecting to content server at " + connectURL + " using username "
+ username + " and password");

try {
IdcClientManager idcClientManager = new IdcClientManager();

this.client = idcClientManager.createClient(connectURL);
} catch (IdcClientException e) {
System.out.println("Error occurred while establishing client");
throw e;

this.connectionContext = new IdcContext(username, password);

System.out.println("Succesfully connected RIDC client to " + connectURL);

public DataBinder uploadFile(String docTitle, String securityGroup, String filePath)
throws IdcClientException, IOException {
File file = new File(filePath);
if (!file.exists()) {
System.out.println("File " + filePath + " does not exist");
return null;
DataBinder requestData = client.createBinder();

requestData.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
requestData.putLocal("dDocType", "Document");
requestData.putLocal("dDocTitle", docTitle);
requestData.putLocal("dDocAuthor", connectionContext.getUser());
requestData.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", securityGroup);
requestData.addFile("primaryFile", new TransferFile(file));

ServiceResponse response = client.sendRequest(connectionContext, requestData);

return response.getResponseAsBinder();

public ServiceResponse createFileLinkInFolder(String folderGUID, String docName, String fileType)
throws IdcClientException {
System.out.println("Invoking service FLD_CREATE_FILE (folderGUID=\"" + folderGUID + "\")");

// Set service request parameters
DataBinder requestData = client.createBinder();
requestData.putLocal("IdcService", "FLD_CREATE_FILE");
requestData.putLocal("fParentGUID", folderGUID);
requestData.putLocal("fFileType", fileType);
requestData.putLocal("dDocName", docName);

// Return the first folder, there should be only one.
return client.sendRequest(connectionContext, requestData);

public String getFolderGUID(String folderPath) throws IdcClientException {
System.out.println("Invoking service FLD_INFO (path=\"" + folderPath + "\")");

// Set service request parameters
DataBinder requestData = client.createBinder();
requestData.putLocal("IdcService", "FLD_INFO");
requestData.putLocal("path", folderPath);

// Execute service request
ServiceResponse response = client.sendRequest(connectionContext, requestData);
DataResultSet result = response.getResponseAsBinder().getResultSet("FolderInfo");

// Retrieve folder GUID
String folderGUID = result.getRows().get(0).get("fFolderGUID").toString();
if (folderGUID.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Folderpath " + folderPath + " not found");
} else {
System.out.println("Folder " + folderPath + " has GUID: " + folderGUID);

// Return the first folder, there is only one.
return folderGUID;

Two new methods were added: createFileLinkInFolder which does the actual work of creating a file link in the folder, and getFolderGUID which retrieves the folder GUID of a folder path from the content server. In addition several changes were made to main(String[] args) to upload a file, retrieve its content ID and invoke the folder services.

The standard output when executing this code should look something like this:

Connecting to content server at idc://localhost:4444 using username sysadmin and password
Succesfully connected RIDC client to idc://localhost:4444
Invoking service FLD_INFO (path="/Test")
Folder /Test has GUID: 688381C27711285F5D8227E6FC4EDDA5
Invoking service FLD_CREATE_FILE (folderGUID="688381C27711285F5D8227E6FC4EDDA5")
DataBinder {
Files {
LocalData {
ClientEncoding = UTF-8
IsJava = 1
NoHttpHeaders = 0
UserDateFormat = iso8601
UserTimeZone = UTC
blDateFormat = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ!tUTC!mAM,PM
blFieldTypes = fLastModifiedDate date,xCategoryFolder text,xHasFixedClone int,xWebFlag text,xIPMSYS_STATUS text,xReportDataSourceType text,xIsFixedClone int,xStorageRule text,xIPMSYS_REDACTION int,xForceFolderSecurity text,xFreezeID memo,xReadOnly text,xIsEditable text,xWCTags text,fCreateDate date,xInhibitUpdate text,xWCWorkflowAssignment text,xHideIncludeChildFolders int,dCreateDate date,xCategoryID bigtext,xHidden text,xReportScheduledInfo text,xCpdIsLocked int,StatusMessage message,xCollectionID int,xLifeCycleID bigtext,xIPMSYS_APP_ID text,xComments memo,xWCWorkflowApproverUserList memo,xIsRecord text,xReportContentType text,xWCPageId bigtext,xCpdIsTemplateEnabled int,xRecordFilingDate date,xReportType text,xIPMSYS_BATCH_ID1 int,xIPMSYS_PARENT_ID int,dOutDate date,xExternalDataSet bigtext,xIsDeletable text,xIsFrozen text,xReportFormat text,xPartitionId text,xIPMSYS_BATCH_SEQ text,dInDate date,dMessage message,xReportTemplate text,xReportDataSourceParams text,xIPMSYS_SCKEY text,xFreezeReason memo,dReleaseDate date,xFolderID bigtext,xReportDataSource text,xIsRevisionable text,xIdcProfile text
changedMonikers =
changedSubjects =
computePermissions = 1
dDocAccount =
dDocAuthor = sysadmin
dDocName = CS000876
dDocTitle = Test Folder upload
dDocType = Document
dExtension = png
dInDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:14Z
dOriginalName = testfile.png
dProcessingState = Y
dPublishedRevisionID =
dRevClassID = 876
dRevLabel = 1
dRevisionID = 1
dSecurityGroup = Public
dUser = sysadmin
doSorting = 0
fApplication = framework
fClbraAliasList =
fClbraRoleList =
fClbraUserList =
fCreateDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:14Z
fCreator = sysadmin
fDocAccount =
fFileGUID = CBFB1BE10FA920B859524B54EB8EFA67
fFileName = testfile.png
fFileType = owner
fFolderGUID = 688381C27711285F5D8227E6FC4EDDA5
fInhibitPropagation = 17
fLastModifiedDate = 2012-10-08 15:36:14Z
fLastModifier = sysadmin
fLinkRank = 0
fOwner = sysadmin
fParentGUID = 688381C27711285F5D8227E6FC4EDDA5
fParentGUID_display = /Test
fPublishedFileName = testfile.png
fSecurityGroup = Public
fldBrowsingMode = contribution
idcToken =
itemCount = -1
itemStartRow = 0
itemType = 2
localizedForResponse = 1
refreshMonikers =
refreshSubMonikers =
refreshSubjects =
xClbraAliasList =
xClbraRoleList =
xClbraUserList =
Options {
ResultSets {

Resources #

The code I used to print the DataBinder (RIDCUtils.dataBinderToString()) can be found here (it does the job and that's it!).

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